Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Sean Hannity is a Republi-pussy loser.

Sean Hannity lost. Big time.
Big the big mouth continues to blather on.
Is he ever going to get the message?
Shut up ya big dope!
Get off the air!

The people have spoken and they don't agree with Hannity.
He is a loser, the number one Republi-pussy.

He refuses to acknowledge that there are conservative Democrats. He continues to villify all Democrats. He doesn't get it.

Today he says virtually nothing about Rumsfeld's dismissal.

Sean admits to being a broken record. He whines on about what would Regan do? As though Regan were Jesus or something. Earth to Hannity: Reagan is dead and so are Reagan Republicans. Get over it. You are a loser. You lost. Your party lost. Your ideas lost. Your unemployed listeners lost. Bush lost. The evangelicals lost. It is over.

The message was clear: get out of Iraq and get out of Washington.
Will Hannity ever get it?

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